RESTFUL SLEEP - Pillow Mist - 50 ml

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Restful Sleep is a relaxing pillow mist designed by the Laboratoires SILKBIOTIC, with an efficacy proven by a French independent laboratory.

Patented technology: a long-lasting efficacy thanks to a patented technology of microencapsulation with silk proteins.

Silver medals at the 2023 GREEN BEAUTY AWARD in the category "Best relaxation product".


Conseils d'utilisation

→ Agitez le flacon et vaporisez 2 à 3 pulvérisations sur votre taie d'oreiller, vos draps ou autour de votre espace de sommeil.

→ Laissez agir quelques instants
avant de vous coucher pour profiter pleinement des bienfaits relaxants.

Astuce :
Pour une expérience ultime de douceur et de bien-être, associez cette brume à notre taie d’oreiller en soie made in France. En plus de favoriser un sommeil réparateur, la soie préserve l’hydratation de votre peau et de vos cheveux nuit après nuit.

  • 98% ingredients of natural origin
  • Alcohol-free
  • 100% natural fragrance
  • Essential oil: Roman Chamomile (excellent tolerance)
Pourquoi l'adopter

Un rituel relaxant pour des nuits paisibles
Favorise l’endormissement naturel et apaise l’esprit
Réduit les réveils nocturnes pour un sommeil plus profond
Améliore la qualité du sommeil et favorise un réveil en pleine forme
Diffusion prolongée grâce à la technologie brevetée de microencapsulation
Parfum 100% d'origine naturelle pour une ambiance apaisante

Un véritable cocon de douceur pour un sommeil réparateur

🏆 Médaille d’argent aux Global Green Beauty Awards : reconnue pour son effet apaisant et la douceur de sa pyramide olfactive.

Qualité, naturalité et efficacité :
Efficacité prouvée : Testée en laboratoire indépendant
Made in France : Conçue avec expertise pour une qualité irréprochable
À base de soie : Technologie brevetée pour une diffusion prolongée
Compatible avec nos taies en soie : Pour une expérience bien-être ultime

Immediate Results on Sleep

Immediate results on sleep and falling asleep:

From the first use, 100% of users* feel soothed. They also attest to a feeling of comfort.

From 7 nights, 100% of users** find that their sleep time is shorter. Sleep quality is improved and nocturnal awakenings are less frequent.

At the end of the tests, carried out by an independent laboratory, 100% of users are convinced by the product.

Discover a natural way to improve your sleep and your falling asleep.

* Self-evaluation, 27 users, results after 1 day of use. **Self-assessment, 27 users, results after 7 days of use, once a day.

Olfactory Pyramid

Let yourself be enveloped in a protective cocoon filled with softness. Feel this comforting fragrance that will soothe and relax you.

Top notes: green, fresh herbal, almond

Heart notes: floral (orange blossom, Roman chamomile and rose) and fruity (apple, yellow fruit, peach and raspberry)

Base notes: greedy and sweet amber



Sans perturbateurs endocriniens ni ingrédients controversés, pour un rituel bien-être en toute sérénité.

Brume d’oreiller Sommeil Paisible SILKBIOTIC, relaxante, naturelle et sans alcool.
Brume oreiller sommeil SILKBIOTIC : apaise dès la 1ère utilisation, sommeil amélioré.
Brume oreiller sommeil SILKBIOTIC : camomille, fleur d&
  • 98.4% ingredients of natural origin

  • Suitable for the whole family

  • Proven effectiveness on sleep quality and time taken to fall asleep

La brume d'oreiller sommeil paisible SILKBIOTIC ne contient pas d'alcool et son parfum est 100% naturel. Cette brume favorise l'endormissement et relaxe.

Un rituel apaisant pour des nuits paisibles

Transformez votre routine du soir avec la Brume Sommeil Paisible, une brume d’oreiller aux actifs relaxants et à la technologie brevetée de microencapsulation de soie.

Son parfum 100% d’origine naturelle libère progressivement ses bienfaits pour favoriser un endormissement plus rapide et un sommeil profond et réparateur.

Un geste simple, un sommeil transformé. Vaporisez sur votre oreiller et laissez-vous envelopper par une sensation de bien-être immédiat.

Idéale en complément de notre taie d’oreiller en soie, pour une expérience sensorielle unique.

Prix remporté par la brume d'oreiller Sommeil Paisible SILKBIOTIC.
Femme dormant paisiblement sur son oreiller grâce à la brume sommeil paisible de chez SILKBIOTIC.
Brume sommeil paisible SILKBIOTIC, 99% d'ingrédients d'origine naturelle. Sa composition est la suivante : soie, eau de fleur d'oranger, huile essentielle de camomille romaine.
Les produits de SILKBIOTIC sont à base de soie.

Silver Medal at the Global Green Beauty Awards

SILKBIOTIC pillow mist wins silver in the Best Relaxant Product category. It has been acclaimed for its soothing effect and the softness of its olfactory pyramid.

More information

A 98.4% composition of ingredients of natural origin

Contains: Orange blossom water, Roman chamomile essential oil, hydrolyzed silk protein.

Contains Levulinic Acid. Can produce an allergic reaction.

Active ingredients complementary to silk

Discover the actions of active ingredients complementary to silk:

Orange blossom water: Soothes
- Calms the mind - Helps you fall asleep - Smell
floral, fruity and refreshing

Roman chamomile essential oil: Soothes - Calms - Floral and relaxing scent

Effectiveness on sleep and drowsiness

Studies carried out by an independent laboratory.

Effectiveness of pillow mist on falling asleep

100% of users feel soothed at bedtime, from the first use*

The technology of our Peaceful Sleep pillow mist offers you a real moment of well-being, rest and relaxation before bedtime. Immediately, 100% of users feel soothed at bedtime*. 96% of them feel more relaxed, and for 93% of them the Peaceful Sleep mist has a calming effect.

100% of users fall asleep faster after 7 days of use**.

Effectiveness of pillow mist on sleep quality

It also improves the quality of sleep: sleep is calmer, deeper and more restorative. This soothing mist also helps fight fatigue:

100% of users feel less tired during the day**.

It is after 7 nights that the results are the most remarkable. Users attest to the following benefits on the quality of their sleep:

- users say they sleep better

- users say their sleep is deeper

- users say their sleep is more restful

- users say they wake up less often at night

- users say they are more rested when they wake up

- users say they are less tired during the day

These tests were carried out by an independent laboratory, in compliance with the state of the art, without any distinction of the brand for users. Sample size conforms to current beauty and wellness testing.

* Self-evaluation, 27 users, results after 1 day of use. **Self-assessment, 27 users, results after 7 days of use, once a day.

The other benefits of pillow mist and our expertise with silk

Peaceful Sleep Pillow Mist is made with 98.4% ingredients of natural origin. Its fragrance is 100% natural.

  • This Peaceful Sleep pillow mist contains our innovative hydrolyzed silk protein technology at a 10% concentration. These silk amino acids help to increase the elasticity of the skin. They reduce and prevent skin aging. Silk moisturizes and revitalizes skin and hair. It also increases the shine of the hair.
  • Orange blossom floral water is particularly soothing and reduces stress levels: it promotes relaxation and falling asleep. For the skin, it is soothing and revitalizing. It softens the skin, regenerates it and illuminates it by giving radiance and light to the complexion.
  • Its 100% natural fragrance, derived from orange blossom floral water and Roman chamomile essential oil, offers you a delicate relaxing and pleasant smell.

Alcohol-free, this mist with a sweet fragrance is made to soothe you, reduce the time you fall asleep and naturally improve your sleep, while providing you with a beauty treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Peaceful Sleep Pillow Mist last?

If you mist 3-5 clouds every night on your pillow, your mist will last about 2 months.

Does Pillow Mist contain alcohol?

No, Peaceful Sleep Pillow Mist is alcohol-free.

Does Peaceful Sleep Pillow Mist contain essential oils?

Yes, the Peaceful Sleep Pillow Mist contains Roman Chamomile essential oil, which is known to have soothing and relaxing properties. It is also recommended for sensitive skin. It has one of the best tolerances among essential oils.

Does the essential oil of Roman Chamomile have a good tolerance?

Yes, Roman Chamomile has very good skin tolerance. It has no known contraindications and is very often used in body care. It is one of the most relaxing and neutral plants known. It can be used in children and pregnant and breastfeeding women: however, it is always recommended to seek advice from your pharmacist for specific cases.

Can I mist my bed linen?

Yes, you can absolutely spray on your sheets, your cover, your duvet. You can use this spray on all textiles and especially bed linen.

Does this mist contain lavender?

No, although lavender is known for its relaxing properties and often used in mists, this mist does not contain lavender essential oil. It also does not contain citrus.

Is this mist organic?

No, this mist is 98.4% natural, but it is not organic. We have chosen to favor natural products over organic products.

Can I also perfume my house?

What's good for your bed and your bedroom is also good for your home! Feel free to spray this mist any time of the day or night when you're looking for a soothing, relaxing, and anti-stress effect.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

Odeur apaisante

Très bonne odeur

ça apaise

Tr-ès bonne odeur

mais j'aurais voulu commander en flacon plus grand. Ou alors faites des orffres de deux produits ensemble.

candice De Wandeleer

Les taies d'oreille en soie blanche sont très agréables et s'accordent avec tout.

Frédéric R.

Un plaisir de s'endormir tous les soirs. Je prend ma petite brume en week-end avec moi.